Open Circle Community Church (formerly known as Northeast Baptist Church) is
an inclusive, community of people seeking to follow the Way of Jesus together. We are imperfect and recognize that we don’t have all the answers. But it is our heartfelt desire and intention to express and share Love with others, the kind of Love we believe God has for the world.
As our name implies, we are welcoming of all, regardless of personal characteristics of race, background, socioeconomic status, or sexual orientation. Though historically Baptist, we are essentially a gathering of Jesus followers, for whom denominational identity is of lesser importance than our commitment to live according to the teachings of Jesus. We believe that many barriers have been erected that keep people apart unnecessarily. It is our hope that we can be part of a movement to remove those barriers.
We seek to follow Jesus’ teachings by gathering each Sunday for worship and regularly at various times during the week for fellowship, teaching, and service.
We would be delighted if you chose to worship with us. Or if you would like to start by having a conversation about our church and what we are trying to be about, please contact us.